Source: Dr Durbin Feeling Cherokee English Dictionary 1975 |
Part of Speech vt |
Definitions: he's finding it out |
Entry: ᎠᏕᎶᎰᏍᎦ adelohosga a¹de²lọ²ho²sga conjugate verb table |
Verb First Present ᎦᏕᎶᎣᏍᎦ gadeloosga gạ²de²lọ²Ɂo²sga |
Verb Second Imperative ᎭᏕᎶᎰᎯ hadelohohi hạ²de²lọ²ho²³hi |
Verb Third Past ᎤᏕᎶᎰᏒᎢ udelohosvi u¹de²lọ²ho²sv²³Ɂi |
Verb Third Present Habitual ᎠᏕᎶᎰᏍᎪᎢ adelohosgoi a¹de¹lọ²ho²sgo³Ɂi |
Verb Third Infinitive ᎤᏕᎶᎰᎯᏍᏗ udelohohisdi u²de²lọ²ho²hị³sdi |
Sentences: ᎤᏕᎶᎰᏒ ᎠᏥᎶᏄᎡᏍᎬᎢ. Udelohosv ajilonuesgvi. He found out that he was being cheated. |