Cherokee Syllabary/ Phonetic |
Part of speech |
English | Plural | Verb 1st present |
Verb 3rd past |
Verb 3rd present habitual |
Verb 2nd imperative |
Verb 3rd infinitive |
Sentence | See Also | |
BANKS - Banks, William H. Jr. (1953), "Ethnobotany of the Cherokee Indians. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee
BHD - Bushyhead Dictionary CCCC - Carnegie Corporation Cross-Cultural Education Project CED - Dr Durbin Feeling Cherokee English Dictionary 1975 CN - Cherokee Nation CNLD - CN Language Documents CNMED - Medical terms provided by Cherokee Nation (western dialect) CNT - Cherokee New Testament CWL - Consortium Word List FBGP - CED FB Group HSBC - Holmes, R. B., & Smith, B. S. (1997). Beginning Cherokee. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. KPEP - Kituwah Preservation & Education Program, EBCI MAGOK - Montgomery-Anderson, B. (2008). A reference grammar of Oklahoma Cherokee. MSCT - Microsoft Computer Terms NCMED - Medical terms in Giduwa (North Carolina/eastern dialect), based on class notes provided by Bo Taylor of the Eastern Band. NOQ - Noquisi Word List RRD - Raven Rock Dictionary SSKIL - The Shadow of Sequoyah: Social Documents of the Cherokees, 1862-1964 UCH - Hiroto Uchihara Tone and Accent in Oklahoma Cherokee (2013) UNK - Unknown VRB - Kirk, W. (2012). Verb Reference Book Didehloqwasgi. Northeastern State University WALC1 - We Are Learning Cherokee Level 1 |
ᏅᏃᎯ nvnohi nv²no²³hi |
n | road |
ᏅᏃᎯ ᎠᏰᏟ ᎠᎢ ᎩᎶᎢ. Nvnohi ayehli ai kiloi. Someone is walking in the middle of the road. |
Source: Cherokee English Dictionary |
Part of Speech n |
English: road |
Cherokee Syllabary/ Phonetic: ᏅᏃᎯ nvnohi nv²no²³hi |
Sentences: ᏅᏃᎯ ᎠᏰᏟ ᎠᎢ ᎩᎶᎢ. Nvnohi ayehli ai kiloi. Someone is walking in the middle of the road. |